Physico-Chemical Incompatibility (PCI) = Adverse physical or chemical change of a medication
12 billion Euros of potential savings for healthcare facilities annually in France.
Up to 20% of incompatible medications in healthcare services.
Medication incompatibility is responsible for a 30% increase in complications.
DrugOptimal, the First Actor in Supporting Medication Safety in Nursing Practice
DrugOptimal is:
- A research laboratory on medication compatibility and stability.
- An artificial intelligence model for predicting incompatibilities.
- The largest database in the world on physico-chemical incompatibilities (30,000 compatibility data).
Nursing Administration Assistance Software: The First Tool to Combat Medication Incompatibilities with Intelligent Care Solution Proposals.
The DrugOptimal solution tailored to the issues of crushability and mixing of medications with food.
Stability of solutions and mixtures, Y-site compatibility, compatibility with solvents.
Do you have a question? A specific suggestion? You can contact us by filling in this questionnaire. Our teams will get back to you as soon as possible.